飞塔fortinet 120G防火墙/fortigate 121G防火墙代理找深圳博安特科技有限公司。公司专业供应飞塔系列 防火墙交换机,支持动态 Web 和视频缓存功能,优化用户体验。
飞塔fortinet 120G(121G)防火墙外观图
Converged Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) and SD-WAN
The FortiGate Next-Generation Firewall 120G series isideal for building security-driven networks at distributedenterprise sites and transforming WAN architecture at anyscale.
With a rich set of AI/ML-based FortiGuard security services and our integrated Security Fabricplatform, the FortiGate 120G series delivers coordinated, automated, end-to-end threatprotection across all use cases.
FortiGate has the industry’s first integrated SD-WAN and zero-trust network access (ZTNA)enforcement within an NGFW solution and is powered by one OS. FortiGate 120G automaticallycontrols, verifies, and facilitates user access to applications, delivering consistency with aseamless and optimized user experience.
FortiOS, Fortinet’s Advanced Operating System
FortiOS enables the convergence of high performing networking and security across theFortinet Security Fabric. Because it can be deployed anywhere, it delivers consistent andcontext-aware security posture across network, endpoint, and multi-cloud environments.
FortiOS powers all FortiGate deployments whether a physical or virtual device, as acontainer, or as a cloud service. This universal deployment model enables the consolidationof many technologies and use cases into organically built best-of-breed capabilities, unifiedoperating system, and ultra-scalability. The solution allows organizations to protect all edges,simplify operations, and run their business without compromising performance or protection.
FortiOS dramatically expands the Fortinet Security Fabric’s ability to deliver advanced AI/MLpowered services, inline advanced sandbox detection, integrated ZTNA enforcement, andmore. It provides protection across hybrid deployment models for hardware, software, andSoftware-as-a-Service with SASE.
FortiOS expands visibility and control, ensures the consistent deployment and enforcementof a simplified, single policy and management framework. Its security policies enablecentralized management across large-scale networks with the following key attributes:
• Interactive drill-down and topology viewers that display real-time status
• On-click remediation that provides accurate and quick protection against threats andabuses
• Unique threat score system correlates weighted threats with users to prioritizeinvestigations
飞塔fortinet 101F防火墙系列为中型到大型企业提供下一代防火墙功能,具有在校园或企业分支机构部署的灵活性。深圳fortinet防火墙代理商经销的这款飞塔fortinet 101F防火墙利用安全处理器提供的高性能、安全有效性和高可见性,抵御网络威胁。订购请及时咨询我们,现货直发。
2025-02-18FortiGate 400F 防火墙系列搭载一组丰富的 AI/ML 安全功能,并支持扩展至集成的Fortinet Securityfabric平台中,为用户打造全覆盖、深度集成和动态协同的网络安全网格体系。凭借基于Web、内容和设备安全等高级边缘保护功能,为用户提供端到端保护的同时,还可通过智能隔离技术及安全 SD-WAN 解决方案降低混合 IT 网络的复杂性和安全风险。
2024-12-06飞塔Fortinet 的安全组网方法是业内*一的融合网络和安全平台。这种融合可为当今瞬息万变的环境提供 AI 驱动的防御,并实现更高的生产力和更好的用户体验。
2024-10-09FortiGate 下一代防火墙(NGFW)是安全组网的核心组成部分。FortiGate 由 FortiOS 操作系统和专用的安全处理器 (SPU) 提供支持。